Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Josh Schriver calls on Michigan Democrats to apologize for partial-birth abortion bills: ‘It is downright evil’
RELEASE|September 20, 2023
Contact: Josh Schriver

Rep. Josh Schriver (R-Oxford) this week called a plan by Michigan Democrats to allow partial-birth abortions in the state “downright evil.”

House Bill 4949-4959, were voted out of committee this morning with one Democrat – Rep. Karen Whitsett — choosing to vote alongside Republicans in a rare move for a partisan piece of legislation.

The bills voted through committee repeal a law that prohibits late-term, partial-birth abortions in Michigan.

“If the governor signs this into law, it would be legal for fully developed, viable children in the third stage of pregnancy to be aborted right up until birth,” Rep. Schriver indicated.  “Furthermore, doctors will be allowed to perform late-term abortion procedures with zero repercussions. It’s clear these bills are too extreme even for her own party as even Democrats have begun voting against the package. The fact is these bills aren’t ready, they’re dangerous and they’re wrong. I’m glad to see my colleagues are finding their consciences. ” 

The bill package also repeals the 24-hour waiting period to have an abortion, allows taxpayer money to be used to fund elective abortions, and repeals informed consent laws.

Over the last 40 years, approximately 1.2 million viable infants have been killed in Michigan because of elective abortion procedures.  This equates to approximately 12 percent of the Michigan population.  Furthermore, the number of patients coming to Michigan specifically to have an abortion has tripled over the past year, according to data provided by Planned Parenthood. 

“I’m sure even many pro-choice voters in our state did not expect Michigan House Democrats to introduce this bill package,” said Schriver. “A Gallup poll conducted in 2018 shows that less than 1/3 of Americans support late-term abortion procedures and 90 percent still want strong regulation for any abortion providers that do operate. It’s clear from today’s committees, however, that there is an extreme group managing the Michigan House Democrats and Rep. Whitsett (D) is evidence that their caucus is deeply divided on this issue.  I stand with Rep. Whitsett against these abortion bills and thank her for her courage.”

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