HB 4065: Amends the Liquor Control Code to allow Macomb Community College to sell alcohol at additional campus venues.
Sponsor: Rep. Aragona (R)
Passage: 101-7 with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: This helps make more venues on Macomb Community College’s campus attractive to host events.
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HB 4014: Clarifies that when residential property transfers between family members, the taxable value is not uncapped when the transaction also involves the spouse of a relative.
Sponsor: Rep. Slagh (R)
Passage: 97-11 with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: This aligns the wording of the law with what some would argue is the spirit of the law – if the taxable value doesn’t uncap when a father sells a home to his son, it shouldn’t uncap just because his son happens to be married.
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BILL PACKAGE HBs 4098-4099: Allows the Michigan Tax Tribunal to hold electronic meetings.
Sponsors: Reps. Outman (R) & Frisbie (R)
HB 4098 Passage: 100-8 with Immediate Effect
HB 4099 Passage: 98-10 with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: This eases the burden on taxpayers that have business before the tribunal and live far away, saving them a trip for an in-person hearing.
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HB 4170: Cuts the state income tax rate from 4.25% to 4.05%.
Sponsor: Rep. Schmaltz (R)
Passage: 65-43 with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: This is broad tax relief that applies to every Michigan citizen who files income tax returns – over 5 million people.
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BILL PACKAGE HBs 4180-4187 & 4230: Would dedicate over $3 billion to roads, including $2.5 billion to local roads, by dedicating $2.2 billion of the Corporate Income Tax to roads. It would also remove the sales tax on fuel and replace it with an equivalent motor fuel tax raising nearly another $1 billion for roads without raising taxes. The bills would also create the Neighborhood Roads Fund within PA 51.
Sponsors: Reps. Steele (R), Frisbie (R), Slagh (R), Kunse (R), Thompson (R), Linting (R), Carra (R), & Outman (R)
HBs 4180-4182 Passages: 65-43 with Immediate Effect
HBs 4183 & 4184 Passages: 62-46 with Immediate Effect
HB 4185 Passage: 64-44 with Immediate Effect
HB 4186 Passage: 61-47 with Immediate Effect
HBs 4187 & 4230 Passages: 63-45 with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: This package is aimed at fixing local roads which are in the most need of repair. Around 80% of these new funds would be distributed to local road agencies.
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HB 4004: Amends the Lottery Act by preventing the lottery commission from disclosing the winner of a multi-state lottery game identity without their consent.
Sponsor: Rep. Outman (R)
Passage: 102-3 with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: People have a right to privacy. Winning the lottery can bring a great deal of unwanted attention if a winner’s personal information is released against their will.
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HB 4147: Amends the State School Aid Act of 1979 to add administrative functions and service functions to be in a feasibility study for school consolidation opportunities.
Sponsor: Rep. Steele (R)
Passage: 97-8with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: Local and intermediate school districts should understand how these administrative and service functions are currently funded to keep a balanced and cost-effective budgeting plan.
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HB 4149: Requires a school district, intermediate school district (ISD), or public school academy to utilize the data from the MI School Data to provide parents and legal guardians with an annual notification of their schools’ data.
Sponsor: Rep. Kuhn (R)
Passage: 86-5 with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: This bill will help parents advocate for their children’s needs, backed by data, and make educated decisions on what is best for their child.
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HB 4154: Amends the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act to include trade schools as an option for dual enrollment.
Sponsor: Rep. BeGole (R)
Passage: 92-5 with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: Students who intend to pursue a trade certificate deserve a chance to kickstart their trade school education.
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BILL PACKAGE HBs 4115-4116: HB 4115 increases penalties for violations of the act that regulates pawnbrokers. HB 4116 increases the maximum interest rate a pawnbroker can charge on a loan.
Sponsors: Reps. Aragona (R) & Liberati (D)
Passages: 83-21 with Immediate Effect
Why I voted YES: Pawnbrokers offer an important service helping people in tough financial situations who otherwise may not be able to secure a loan.
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HB 4195: Removes the requirement that only citizens be allowed to obtain a driver’s license.
Sponsor: Rep. Tate (D)
Vote Failed: 39-64
Why I voted NO: This bill would have allowed people who were not legally present in Michigan — including illegal aliens — to get drivers licenses.

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